Technovision 2023
TechnoVision categorizes technology trends into six containers, offering a snapshot of innovation from different perspectives (the “what”) – ranging from user experience and collaboration, via data and process automation, all the way to infrastructure and applications. A seventh container offers a series of overarching design principles to successfully apply the trends and create transformational impact (the “how”). These principles help to build a sharp mindset, ready for any portfolio, program, project, architecture, innovation initiative, or idea.
You Experience and We Collaborate are at the heart of the technology-driven exchange. This core foundation is surrounded by the more functional containers – Thriving on Data, Process on the Fly, Applications Unleashed, and Invisible Infostructure. This collection of trends is all wrapped up with Balance by Design, as the overarching container to be considered while working with the others.
Within each container, five key trends are presented as one-page summaries, designed to be crisp and to-the-point, yet appetizing enough to warrant further study. They all feature a ‘What’ section that describes the trend, a ‘Use’ section with best practices and use cases, an ‘Impact’ section that exemplifies the change potential of the trend, and a ‘Tech’ section that provides links to key technologies and standards. Each trend also mentions an ‘Expert in residence’ that anyone can connect to if they want to know more about the topic.

Balance by Design – our overarching container – follows a slightly different setup to the other six, offering views of how to shape balance within an organization using seven clear design principles – including ‘anti-principles’ that are sometimes easier to detect than the principles themselves.
The TechnoVision containers are summarized below:
As will be obvious from some of the trends above, our authors have stayed true to the playful nature of TechnoVision by using references to rock, pop, movies, and other cultural and societal phenomena. It turns out this playfulness makes the trends more accessible, more compelling, and easier to remember. Also, as our authors will testify, it’s good, clean fun creating these headings. Readers are challenged to find as many of these ‘Easter Eggs’ as possible.
The TechnoVision ‘expert in residence’ community caters for a variety of detailed posts and articles about your favorite 37 building blocks. We encourage you to read the accompanying report ‘Applying TechnoVision’ for various means of using and playing with TechnoVision in a unique and entertaining way. Finally, to dive even deeper into the TechnoVision universe, watch out for the sector-specific playbooks: released throughout the year, they provide numerous sector cases and best practices, positioned within the TechnoVision framework.